All KSU recruitment options start in Handshake, giving you one place you can add, view, and edit your recruitment events and postings. Some options are only available after you have engaged with our department. Reach out to our team if you don't see an option you are seeking in Handshake. 

On-Campus Recruiting Periods: Spring: Late January - End of April, Summer: Mid May - Late July, and Fall: Late August - Mid November 

Campus Information Tables

We place these tables in a high traffic area for 2-4hrs during the busiest period of the day (10 am - 2 pm). You will receive an email with reservation details when your request has been processed.

  • We require that you have an active job posting within Handshake when requesting an information table.
  • Requests must be submitted at least 3 weeks before you want the information table on campus. This will allow time to advertise for a successful event.
  • Information tables cannot be reserved for the first two weeks of class, during holidays and scheduled university closings, or the last two weeks of the semester. 
  • A six-foot table and 2 chairs will be provided.
  • If a position you are recruiting for includes commission only pay, base pay plus commission or start鈥恥p costs to the employee, signage must be at the table clearly indicating this information at all times. Failure to follow these policies will prevent the employer from future use of our services.
ksu students at job fair event visiting tables

You may request a specific location to meet your recruiting needs. Due to space constraints an employer may not recruit more than twice in one semester using the information table service. While staffing a table, employers are limited to promoting their recruiting opportunities at their table only. No solicitation of products or services is allowed. If you must reschedule your information table date for any reason, you must submit for another date and allow at least 3 weeks for confirmation. KSU reserves the right to change these requirements.

Request an Information Table in Handshake

  1. Log into your Employer Handshake account and select the "Create an Event" option from the Home dashboard. Contact us at if you do not see this option or should need further assistance.
  2. Type the Event Name which should include Information Table
  3. Select 快播视频 University as the "Host School" and Employer on-Site as the "Type" of Event and complete the form including all details regarding the major area of study that you would like to target and the current Handshake Job ID# and Job Title. This allows us to review the best space/location for your campus table recruiting event.
  4. Provide at least two alternate dates and times within the request, in case we are not able to accommodate your first selected date due to space availability. Please review our "Important Dates" for the semester to avoid requesting days our department is hosting job fairs or when students will not be on campus.
  5. Submit your request for review. We will get back with you if we should have any further questions about your request.

    • Bring a tablecloth that ideally displays your company name.
    • Think about display items that will grab students鈥 attention; maybe something that relates to the majors you are seeking.
    • Have something tangible to distribute that describes the internship, job or application process (how to apply).
    • Provide a candy bowl or wrapped snack bars to draw students in. It can make your table more approachable.
    • Bring a handcart to transport your materials from the parking location to the scheduled event location.
    • Make sure your display items are visible and obvious.
    • Seek the students out鈥攅ngage, say hello, ask them about their major, career interests, etc.
    • Understand the ebb and flow nature of class time. During the flow stand out in front of the table to engage students.
    • Give a brief overview of your company, open positions, etc.
    • Consider "going green" and offering digital flyers and information via a QR code. Include direct links to apply for a posting or to register for an upcoming event.

Campus Information Sessions & Presentations

Employers are welcome to host information sessions on campus if you have attended a job fair and/or recruited at KSU in previous semesters. Sessions and presentations can familiarize and promote opportunities and hiring processes to KSU students and are most successful in a virtual environment since 2021. If you have met a number of interested candidates and your team would like to provide additional (or next step) information to students as a group, we can check campus space availability and customize your request to fit your recruiting needs. Sessions are typically one hour on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays (between 12-2 pm or 4-6 pm). There is currently no fee for an employer to request this type of recruiting option through our offices, although it is subject to space availability.

  • We require an active job posting within Handshake prior to requesting an information session.
  • Requests must be submitted at least 4 weeks before you would like to recruit on campus. This will allow time to reserve space and advertise to targeted students for a successful event.
  • Information sessions cannot be reserved for the first two weeks of class, during student holidays and scheduled university closings, or the last two weeks of the semester. Please review our "Important Dates" for the semester to avoid requesting days our department is hosting job fairs or when students will not be on campus.
  • If a position includes features such as commission only pay, base pay plus commission, or start鈥恥p costs to the employee; there must be signage in the room clearly indicating this at all times. Failure to follow these policies will prevent the employer from future use of our services.
    1. Log into your Employer Handshake account and select the "Create an Event" option from the Home dashboard. Contact us at if you do not see this option or should need further assistance.
    2. Type the Event Name which should include Information Session and Employer on-Site as the "Type" of event.
    3. Select 快播视频 University as the "Host School" and complete details for all questions in the survey regarding your agenda and target majors, as well as your Handshake Job ID# and Job Title or if you are attending a job fair or hosting campus interviews. This allows us to review the best space/location for your event.
    4. Provide at least two alternate dates and times within the request, in case we are not able to accommodate your first selected date due to space availability. Please review our "Important Dates" for the semester to avoid requesting days our department is hosting job fairs or when students will not be on campus.
    5. Submit your request for review. We will get back with you if we should have any further questions about your request.

    Note: Any recruiting event, may be "academically bumped" at any time if the space is needed for academic reasons.

Online Resume Books

You or your team can access potential candidates directly within Handshake or create a search and report of students who meet your criteria through the feature and Handshake Help article to by following the recommended actions. You may also request a resume download from search results by filing a request with or use the Help dropdown within Handshake. 

Interview 快播视频 University Candidates

The Department of Career Planning & Development (DCPD) offers several ways for recruiters to meet individually with KSU students and alumni to discuss open opportunities. Please review the types of interview scheduling below and select the option that is the best fit for your company. Prime collegiate recruiting season runs September through November and February through April.

Types of Interview Scheduling

  • At Your Location/Virtual: Recruiter invites candidates to interview at your offices or virtually through an online meeting platform (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.). Please use the information provided on the resume or application to contact candidates directly and schedule interviews. 
  • Preselect Schedule: Recruiter requests an interview schedule to be set up in Handshake. Recruiters review applications and select candidates they would like to interview, and then candidates select interview time slots within the system. Interview schedules are confirmed 2-business days before interviews are held. This can also be done for virtual interviews.
  • Open Schedule: Recruiter requests an interview schedule in Handshake, that allows candidates to apply during a specific application period. If the candidate meets qualifications set within the schedule, they can select an interview time slot immediately after submitting their application. This can also be done for virtual interviews.
  • Build Your Own / Room Only: Recruiters request a schedule in Handshake to interview candidates they identified through earlier recruiting activities such as fairs, job postings, etc. The space is reserved in Handshake and you are responsible for scheduling candidates directly to interview times. This can also be done for virtual interviews.

NOTE: Professional attire is required for students to participate.

***Only Equal Opportunity Employers may use KSU facilities to interview. 

How to Request an Interview Schedule in Handshake

  1. Determine if you will be hosting  at your location, , or on-campus at KSU..
  2. Meet KSU criteria of previous recruiting activity -- job posting in Handshake and/or attending one of our job and internship fairs.
  3. Select to "Request an Interview Schedule" from your home dashboard. Review Handshake Help Article for step-by-step visual guidance: . If you do not see the option to request an interview schedule, please contact a member of our Employer Relations Team ( or 470-578-2724) to review eligibility and add the permissions to your Handshake account.
  4. Complete the form by selecting  and filling out the 鈥淏asics鈥 tab with your information.
    1. Please keep in mind that if you are requesting space accommodations for on-campus interviewing, you will want to allow time for our staff to process the request and for candidates to apply for the position(s) PRIOR to the date you would like to come on campus (4+ weeks during "peak" recruiting). This will ensure a successful interviewing experience. 
    2. Be sure to include 2-3 alternate dates for on-campus interviews and include # of spaces/rooms you will need in the 鈥淩equested Room Count鈥 section, along with other details about your request that will assist us in processing the request. 
  5. Select the interview timeline template to create time slots for your interview candidates (Build Your Own/Room Only, Preselect to Alternate, or Preselect) or create your own timeline and interview slot template.
  6. Add the job description for candidates to apply through Handshake (create a new job, copy job details, use existing job, edit job, etc.).
  7. Click "Request" at the bottom of the page and our team will process as we are able.
  8. Manage  and  when you receive the confirmation that the schedule has been approved.
    • Submit your job posting in Handshake as early as possible for students to review and apply. Refrain from making changes to your recruiting date and schedule unless it is absolutely necessary.
    • Select  preselect candidates in Handshake by the designated deadline.
    • Contact us as soon as possible if you must make ANY changes to your interview schedule at 470-578-2724 or
    • Make sure any representative(s) who will be coming on campus have all the information needed (map, parking instructions, and other directions) for the interview location scheduled.

Other Recruiting Options

The Department of Career Planning & Development offers several student outreach options each semester. Here is a list of some common options:

  • Resume critiques
  • Mock interviews
  • Guest speaker opportunities
  • Career exploration events
  • Job & Internship Fairs
  • And more! We are always exploring new ways to connect you to students and we are open to your ideas and suggestions.

Please contact a member of the Employer Relations Team at 470-578-2724 or if you are interested in participating in one of these options.

All employers recruiting at 快播视频 University must abide by the our policies and procedures.